Ganapathy Iyer Girls’ High School, located in Gopalapuram, Chennai, is a Government-aided School run by the Gopalapuram Educational Society. This school provides high-quality education for economically backward girls living in the area. OPEN began partnering with this school in year 2007, following a meeting with Mrs. Sharadha Manee, the Principal of the school. Our partnership has been growing over the years, and OPEN has been funding a constant stream of her ideas, the latest of which is Karate classes for her wards.
School Profile:
Total strength: 272 (60% - English Medium, 40% - Tamil Medium)
No. of Teachers: 10 (Govt.) + 5 (Management)
2009-2010: X std - 98% of the students passed. Highest score - 476/500 (school record)
Monthly Expenses of Rs 95K/month are being sponsored wholly by one of our generous patrons, Mr. Natarajan Kumar of Northern Virginia, for the following activities:
After school program:
Night Study Remedial classes for weaker students from Std. VI to X. Refreshments are provided to the students, and remuneration paid for two night study teachers.
Student Tutor Program: For classes VIII and IX the above average students are coaching the below average students, for which incentives are paid to the student tutors
Extracurricular activities: Tabla and Karate classes
Extra-curricular Program during school hours: Spoken English, Computer Education
Additional Vegetables in mid-day meals for all students from standard VI to X
Breakfast for X Std students
Yearly Scholarship starting in 2007:
On the basis of the academic performances, students from VII Std to X std are selected for the scholarship. Scholarship includes tuition fees, notebooks and workbooks, uniforms (2 sets) and shoes (2 pairs).
Non-scholarship students are offered one set of uniforms and one pair of shoes.
One time Capital expenditure spent to improve infrastructure of the school:
Shelter: Provided shelter in the ground floor prayer hall at a cost of Rs. 1.5 Lakhs in the year 2007
Furniture: Provided 63 sets of steel benches and desks for the students at a cost of Rs. 2.15 Lakhs in the year 2008